- NDOW Dispatch 775 688-1331
- NDOW Warden: Randy Lucetti 775 848-5590
- Project Coyote: Larkspur CA 415 945-3232
- Trish Swain with Trailsafe trishswain1@gmail.com
- Rescues coyotes
- Dayton Valley Wildlife Reststop: Evelyn Pickles Dayton NV 775-246-0470
- (Injured birds can by dropped off at Comstock Printers in Carson City). 3160 N. Deer Run rd. 775 883-8658 7:30am-6pm
- Rescues Birds, deer, rabbits, squirrels (no mice, cougars or coyotes)
- Lake Tahoe WildLife Care
- Denise Upton, Director
- 530-577-2273 info@itwc.org www.itwc.org
- Rescue rehabilitate release
- Rescues all wild mammals including coyotes (no cougars or elk because of law)
- Note: They have permission to transport animals from Nevada to their location in California.
- Safehaven Wildlife Sanctuary 775-538-7093
- Lynda Sugasa Founder CEO
- Imlay NV (two hours from Reno)
- Bobcats and exotic animals including lions and tigers {no coyotes)
- They will pick up in most of Northern Nevada
- Sierra Wildlife Coalition provides and promotes humane practical solutions for living with Beavers, coyotes and all wildlife. (Advocacy)
- www.sierrawildlife.org
- 530-320-9923
- Bear League advocates for Bears (Advocacy)
- (530) 525-7297 (24hours)
- 4875 W Lake Blvd Homewood CA 96141